Library Usage


pygen-structures contains classes to represent CHARMM data, molecular (and molecular-like) structures and atoms.

Representing CHARMM File Types

The CHARMM forcefield views molecules as collections of _residues_, with _patches_ usually applied to define linkages and modifications (though for some classes of residue, such as the amino acids, linkages between residues are implicit).

The residue topology file (.rtf) contains the definition of these patches and residues - the information required to build the structure of the molecule. This includes the types of the atoms, the necessary bonds, the chirality of the tetrahedral centres (through the internal coordinate table), the charges, and which internal coordinates are necessary for the simulation (i.e. which improper torsions/cross-map terms are required). The masses and charges are also present, as these are required to build the .psf file.

The parameter file (.prm) contains the definitions of all the parameterised interactions (i.e. which bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, cross maps are defined, and what the radii of the atoms are for the non-bonded terms).

For some residue and parameter definitions, particularly extensions to existing files, the topology and parameter files are combined into a stream file (.str) which contains a topology and residue section concatenated together.

A good overview of the actual layout of the CHARMM forcefield file types (both residue topology files and parameter files) is given in the NAMD tutorial.

As pygen-structures is concerned with building structures and not with running simulations, the representation of the .rtf files is complete, but the representation of .prm files is limited to verifying that the parameters are present rather than probing their values.

Residue Files

CHARMM .rtf files are represented using the CHARMMResidueTopologyFile class, which can be instantiated from a .rtf or .str file using its from_file() method, and additional files can be added using the read_file() method. Residue and patch definitions within the file are stored as instances of CHARMMResidueDefinition and CHARMMPatchResidueDefinition respectively. Additional residue definitions and patch definitions can be added using add_residue_definition() and add_patch_definition().

The residue definitions are stored in the dict attribute residues, and the patch definitions in the dict attribute patches, where the keys are the relevant residue/patch name. The masses of the atoms in Daltons are stored in dict attribute masses, where keys are the atom types.

Parameter Files

CHARMM .prm files are represented using the CHARMMParameterFile class. Like CHARMMResidueTopologyFile, this class can be instantiated using its from_file() method and additional files can be read using the read_file() method. Methods get_unmatched() and check_parameters() can be used to assert that all parameters of a Molecule exist in the parameter file, with the former returning a dict of internal coordinate type to a list of unmatched tuples and the latter a bool (True if all parameters exist, False otherwise).

This class contains five set objects: bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, and cross_maps, which contain tuples of atom types from the forcefield. In the first three sets, the tuples are also stored in reverse, as these degrees of freedom can be specified in reverse order without altering the relevant parameters.

Representing Residues and Patches

The Difference Between Definitions and Residues

CHARMM residues as presented in .rtf files are an abstract residue definition, rather than physical residues. As such, these lack an associated residue index, and their degrees of freedom (the bonds, impropers and cross maps) refer to the atom names from the residue definition. These are represented using the CHARMMResidueDefinition class.

CHARMM residues in an actual structure are not abstract, and refer to real residues in a physical molecule. As such, these _do_ have an associated index and their degrees of freedom refer to atom IDs - tuples of (residue_index: int, atom_name: str). This is to allow for easier removal of dangling bonds and easier application of patches. These residues are represented using the CHARMMResidue class. Patch definitions can only be applied to real residues.

The patch definitions, instead of the atom IDs used in the residues, use atom references. These take the same format as atom IDs, but the residue index is replaced by an integer referring to the order the residues are provided to the patch. For the RAFF patch, which creates the sugar raffinose from [AGLC, BFRU, AGAL], atoms in AGLC would take the form (0, atom_id: str) (1 for BFRU, 2 for AGAL). Patch definitions are represented using the CHARMMPatchResidueDefinition class.

CHARMM Residue Definitions

CHARMM residue definitions (CHARMMResidueDefinition) represent all of the data from a RESI block in a .rtf file. This includes:

  • the name

  • a list of atoms from the ATOM records (represented as (atom_name: str, atom_type: str, partial_charge: float))

  • a list of bonds - tuple of 2 atom_names - from BOND/DOUB records. Bonds in DOUB records appear twice.

  • a list of impropers – tuple of 4 atom_name from IMPR records.

  • a list of cross_maps – tuple of 8 atom_name from CMAP records

  • a list of IC records. The first 4 items are atom names, the last 5 are floats containing bond length/angle information. Where angle i-j-k-l is an improper, the third atom_name is prefaced with *. The floats are:

    • the bond length, i-j

    • the angle, i-j-k

    • the dihedral (or improper) i-j-k-l

    • the angle j-k-l

    • the bond length k-l

  • the default patch if residue is first in the chain. If None, this defaults to the default first patch of the CHARMMResidueTopologyFile the residue definition is in. There is a semantic difference between None and 'NONE' - the former represents missing information, and the latter is an explicit “no first patch”.

  • the default patch if residue is last in the chain. Treated much the same way as the first.

Residue definitions are usually created using the class method from_block() when a CHARMMResidueTopologyFile is created. Residue definitions can be converted to residues using the to_residue().

Residue definitions can be represented as Structure objects, as RDKit Mol objects, and as SMARTS patterns using methods to_structure(), to_fragment_mol(), and to_smarts(). Not much is done with this at present, but in principle this could be used to match missing residues in a .pdb file.

CHARMM Residues

CHARMM residues (CHARMMResidue) contain the information from the residue definitions, but in terms of atom IDs instead of atom names. The representation of the atoms themselves is unchanged. Residues have an associated index, and may be altered using patches. As such, they may contain new atoms and bonds which are not present in the definition alone.

CHARMM Patches

CHARMM patch residue definitions (CHARMMPatchResidueDefinition) contain the information from a PRES block in a .rtf file.

In general, the representation is similar to CHARMMResidueDefinition, but rather than a `list of tuple for each degree of freedom, these are stored as n_residues long lists of these lists. For a patch which is to be applied to three residues, bonds might look something like this:

bonds = [
    [((0, 'C'), (1, 'N')), ...],
    [((1, 'CA'), (1, 'CB')), ...],
    [((2, 'CA'), (2, 'CB')), ...]

When the patch is applied, 0, 1 and 2 are replaced with the indices of the residues the patch is applied to, and these new bonds are added to those residues. Patches also contain deletions, atom names to be deleted in each residue. When atoms are deleted, all degrees of freedom containing these atoms are removed.

Patches have two important methods:

  • apply(), the method which applies the patch to a list of residues, and

  • is_applicable_to(), which can be used to test what positions a residue can be supplied to the patch in. This is based on the presence of atoms in the deletions list for each residue position.

What’s Special About FIRST and LAST?

If patches are specified as being applied to 'FIRST' or 'LAST' rather than 0 or -1, the default first/last patch is not applied. This is to distinguish between cases where a different terminal patch is being applied (such as if protein patch CT2 was being applied instead of CTER) and cases where patches just happen to affect the first or last residue.

Representing Molecules

pygen-structures uses three main classes for molecular representation.


Complete molecules from the perspective of the CHARMM forcefield are stored as Molecule classes. These are directly representable as .pdb or .psf files.

There are not many cases where it is advantageous to create a molecule directly. In most cases, it makes more sense to use the convenience functions to create molecules.

Important methods for the molecule class include:

Molecule-like Structures

Molecular-like structures can be whole molecules or simply fragments of molecules. These are represented using the Structure class.

This class generates molecular connection tables and instantiates RDKit Mol objects based on the provided structures. This enables 3D coordinate generation. Chirality is set using information from the IC table. Atoms are reordered so that hydrogen atoms come after their parent heavy atom. This is in line with the psfgen order.

Structures can be created from a list of Atom and a list of bond tuple containing two 0-based atom indices. Generated 3D coordinates are set in the RDKit Mol, stored in mol and in the x, y, and z attributes of the Atom objects.

The RDKit Mol can also be retrieved using the to_mol() method.


Atoms, represented using the Atom class, are mostly based on the fields stored in a .pdb file, with some extra .psf specific fields. These fields appear in PDB order, with PSF fields attached on the end.

Atoms can be instantiated from PDB lines using the from_pdb_line() class method, though this will not contain the PSF data.

Atoms can be represented as PDB atom lines using to_pdb_line() and as PSF lines using to_psf_line().

Where the atom serial number exceeds 99999, PDB atom serials are switched to hexadecimal encoding. This is unlikely to happen with the current functionality (which is limited to around 15 residues). PSF lines are in the extended format.

Convenience Functions

Convenience functions represent the easiest way to interact with the code as a library.

Loading CHARMM Data

The CHARMM forcefield topology and parameters can be loaded using load_charmm_dir(). This function, called with no arguments, will load the most recent (July 2019) CHARMM distribution (with some modifications to the D-amino acid parameters) and return it as a CHARMMResidueTopologyFile and a CHARMMParameterFile.

By specifying a path as a positional argument, that directory will be loaded instead. The function will pick the latest versions of the parameter and topology files (36 over 27, 36m over 36), so if you plan on using an older version of the forcefield (this is not recommended) you will have to remove the newer versions and change the file extensions to match the current conventions (.rtf for topology files and, .prm for parameter files).

Creating Molecules

Molecule objects can be generated using code_to_mol() (from a str of single amino acid codes) or sequence_to_mol() (from a list of generic CHARMM residue names).

These functions accept the same arguments, with the exception that code_to_mol() expects a string protein sequence as the first arguemnt and sequence_to_mol() expects a list of names. code_to_mol() accepts an additional keyword argument, default_histidine, which determines the residue definition which is used for H.

Both functions require as a minimum the sequence/code to create and a CHARMMResidueTopologyFile.

Creating Molecules from PDB Files

Molecule objects can also be loaded from PDB files using pdb_to_mol(), though at present this only works for small molecules and makes no attempt to pattern match the missing residues.


All examples should be prefaced with

>>> import pygen_structures as ps
>>> # Using the supplied toppar directory
>>> rtf, prm = ps.load_charmm_dir()

Basic Usage

To make HIS-GLU-TYR, as outlined in the Command Line Usage, writing the structure out to HEY.psf and HEY.pdb:

>>> mol = ps.code_to_mol('HEY', rtf)
>>> mol.to_pdb_file('HEY.pdb')
>>> mol.to_psf_file('HEY.psf')

And should we want to use the protonated form of histidine:

>>> mol = ps.code_to_mol('HEY', rtf, default_histidine='HSP')
>>> # or use the sequence
>>> sequence = ['HSP', 'GLU', 'TYR']
>>> mol = ps.sequence_to_mol(sequence, rtf)
>>> mol.to_pdb_file('HEY.pdb')
>>> mol.to_psf_file('HEY.psf')

Back to non-protein examples, we could create the trisaccharide raffinose. This requires the use of a patch. The default segment ID, U, is not particularly descriptive, so we can specify a new segment, RAFF. While we’re at it, we can set the name for the COMPND header to Raffinose:

>>> sequence = ['AGLC', 'BFRU', 'AGAL']
>>> patches = {'RAFF': [0, 1, 2]}
>>> mol = ps.sequence_to_mol(sequence, rtf, patches, 'Raffinose', 'RAFF')
>>> mol.to_pdb_file('RAFF.pdb')
>>> mol.to_psf_file('RAFF.psf')

Loading raffinose back from PDB currently requires us to specify the patches:

>>> patches = {'RAFF': [0, 1, 2]}
>>> mol = ps.convenience_functions.pdb_to_mol('RAFF.pdb', rtf, patches)

Verification that parameters exist for created structures is simple:

>>> mol = ps.code_to_mol('AdP', rtf)
>>> # This is fixed in 0.2.3, and will return True
>>> mol.check_parameters(prm)
>>> unmatched = prm.get_unmatched(mol)
>>> unmatched
{'bonds': {('CPD1', 'CC')}, 'angles': set(), 'dihedrals': set(), 'impropers': set(), 'cross_maps': set()}
>>> mol2 = ps.code_to_mol('AP', rtf)
>>> prm.check_parameters(mol2)
>>> unmatched = prm.get_unmatched(mol2)
>>> unmatched
{'bonds': set(), 'angles': set(), 'dihedrals': set(), 'impropers': set(), 'cross_maps': set()}

For linkages between protein and sugars, we need to use a patch. We can make the tripeptide ALA-ASN-ALA, where glucose is linked to asparagine. This requires use of the NGLA patch and is a good example of one of the quirks of the CHARMM forcefield definitions. If we specify AGLC between ASN and ALA, the protein chain will be broken - bonds between residues in the peptide are defined using links to the previous (-C) and next (+N) residues and these don’t exist where there is a sugar in the way. Unfortunately, this means there is a “correct” way to specify these residues.

>>> sequence = ['ALA', 'ASN', 'ALA', 'AGLC']
>>> patches = {'CTER': [-2], 'NGLA': [1, -1]}
>>> mol = ps.sequence_to_mol(sequence, rtf, patches)
>>> # This order wouldn't link ASN and ALA because they aren't adjacent,
>>> # leading to a free-floating ALA residue.
>>> sequence = ['ALA', 'ASN', 'AGLC', 'ALA']

Manual Molecule Creation

If when generating a glycopeptide you absolutely require the sugar to be in the middle of the protein chain, it is possible to obtain this by creating the residues manually, and specifying the last_index and next_index.

>>> def make_residue(residue_name, index, last_index=None, next_index=None):
...     return ps.CHARMMResidue.from_residue_definition(
...         rtf.residues[residue_name],
...         index,
...         last_index,
...         next_index
...     )
>>> first = make_residue('ALA', 0)
>>> second = make_residue('ASN', 1, next_index=3)
>>> third = make_residue('AGLC', 2)
>>> last = make_residue('ALA', 3, last_index=1)
>>> residues = [first, second, third, last]
>>> patches = {'NGLA': [1, 2]}
>>> mol = ps.Molecule(residues=residues, topology=rtf, patches=patches)
>>> mol.finalize()

For the most part, though, creating molecules manually is not much more complex than using the convenience functions, just slightly more verbose.

>>> sequence = ['HSE', 'GLU', 'TYR']
>>> residues = []
>>> for index, residue_name in enumerate(sequence):
>>>     residue = rtf.residues[residue_name].to_residue(index)
>>>     residues.append(residue)
>>> mol = ps.Molecule('HEY', residues, rtf)
>>> mol.finalize()